Balestrina Member


  • YOU ROCK BABY!!! You're doing an amazing job, keep it up and you'll manage to drop the rest, I promise! We're in this together and I know that you can do it!!! LOOK AT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
  • I'm a chocoholic! Bump for reading the recipes at some point! Cheeeeeeeeeeeers!!!
  • Ok, found the MAT online. Arms: scroll to 11:50 and then load part 3 too. The arms session should run in a total of approx. 15 mins. Bummer a session is broken in 2 videos. Warm up/cool down: I use this MAT for these parts, beginning and end. Hope this is of help. x
  • @JRadd14 Thank you so much for your input! If the DVD was faulty Tracy should compensate you somehow.. It's a bummer to start working out and have to pause or move two levels up just because their product was damaged! Oh well, I'm happy you have worked your way around it. I have no idea who Shaun T. is but I've been…
  • I started Meta yesterday! Whoop whoop! Here are some first impressions: First of all, I have been doing the MAT for a while and with the added reps I had it extended to nearly 1+1/2 hr, so the muscular structure of Meta felt quite short. I finished the exercises and I was like ''Was that it? Seriously?''.. However it def…
  • I am jumping on board a little bit late but I am very happy I found this group and thread! I've started the MAT workout in the beginning of April but have not been very consistent with it (not until very recently at least). However I do see a great difference not only in toning but also in strength. I have also found…
  • So much truth in your words, yet most of it usually escapes us. Need to print it out and pin it up.