

  • I feel that somedays I slip up and will eat something I know I should not have. That is reality though. We just have to accept it, and the next day set a new goal.
  • I feel like setting a weight goal that is realistic is good! For me my goal is to be 145-150, but then again I am 5' 3." That is realistic for me though, I tend to go to the gym and do things that make my legs really muscular. I feel that it is good to set goals, but be realistic, and realize there will be struggles on…
  • Maybe try egg whites.. I feel like I have no seen a lot of protein shakes out there without sugar. I do PURE PROTEIN. they have amazing bars, and protein shakes, and I think only 1 gram of sugar! http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/ww/pure-protein-shake.html?MCID=F-SHOP&mr%3areferralID=e8641083-13f4-11e2-b779-001b2166c62d
  • I always make sure to start my morning off with protein. It starts to get more tricky the busier you are during the week and do not have time to make something with protein in it. I say always have protein on hand! It always does the trick for me! Anyone reading this feel free to add me, I feel like if I start getting some…