

  • Wow...I really should have thought about this question before now. I KNOW I overeat when I am stressed. Work, fight with boyfriend, and then just thinking I am fat usually are enough to stuff my face. The last one is just crazy. Why would I want to eat when I feel fat. That is just stupid. I also overeat when I am bored or…
  • I am a casual yogi, and have been at the upper end beginner/lower to mid range intermediate level for YEARS. I enjoy my weekly community yoga night, but have slacked in the last few MONTHS! It is horrible. I want to get back into having yoga be a regular part of my life. I hear that once one gets really into it, that the…
  • Congrats on the engagement! I am sure you will get to your goal and look stellar for your big day!
  • Wow! You read my mind. I woke up today and weighed myself. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life and I am watching my aging parents battle health issues that would all be easier if they had been healthier earlier. I don't want to live that way. I then realized if I just lose 1 pound a week, I will be at my "ideal"…