Thanks everyone! I'll check out all of those suggestions. Really appreciate it :) I'd feel weird leaving my shoes at work because I've currently got a share-job and wouldn't want the other employee to deal with my shoes being left in his workspace haha.
Sounds good! I can't wait to try that out!
Yep, I eat Heinz beans here in Australia. As an alternative to toast, try Corn Thins (they're like rice crackers, but corn). Less calories, same satisfaction!
You are STUNNING! Fantastic work!
Hey there :) congrats on the weight you've already lost! I'm also 21 and have always been overweight - I've been yoyo dieting since I was about 14. I'd love a new pal - hopefully we can keep each other motivated!
hey there, this is my first post! i'm really excited about this website and hopefully it will help me achieve my goals. i'm recovering from glandular fever so i've put on quite a bit of weight but i want to get rid of it before summer! nice to meet you :)