

  • Hey Nick! Welcome to the party! How are you today? Glad I have found some one else in Brighton!! :)
  • Chubby-Smiler: Awwh!! Sussex is such a nice place - yeah I can certainly understand why you miss it! Thanks for the post astroboy! Awh weekends in London are amazing! Les Mis is on my hit list. I did Wicked the other week and that was amazing!! A fellow hostie!! Haha!! I am applying to VS. I used to work for them (less…
  • Haha!! Nice to hear from you! How's life in Cardiff treating you? Hope all is well!! :)
  • Fantastic results Lee - you can certainly see the inch loss around your waist! I have been tempted to do this before but I never thought that I would actually do it but actually I think that given it is less than an hour that you need to do it in and the results that I have seen people getting from it - it's changed my…