

  • I've totally done the yo-yo thing for years, too. I have much the same issue...I tell myself that I just want to eat what I want and be happy and who cares about being skinny. I'm hoping that something that I've done differently this time will make the difference. I found an exercise that busts stress and that I actually…
  • I understand going through a period of not liking the gym...but it is a bit concerning that you hate water right now. Could your body be hating water because you don't have enough salts in your diet? Hyponutrimia often feels like dehydration but is actually the opposite problem: your body does not have enough good salts to…
  • I think it depends on your level of fitness and your body. For example, I have plantar fasciitis and need a recovery day for my feet to prevent serious injury. If you generally walk each day and do not have injury, you are probably good to go.