

  • I'm a perfectionist, too. Only black and white - no grey. Which is why my binges are huge, I suppose. I understand how you all feel because I am feeling the same way. I wish there was some magic cure for over eating, but since there's not, we all have to keep trying and focus on the positive. :flowerforyou:
  • Exactly. I liked Sammi finally getting a stable husband and her trying to be stable too. OH well. But I do love Lucas!!!
  • Mon 2/7 with 10 minute walk (knees KILLING me from the day prior!!!) Tues 3/7 with 15 min walk Wed 4/7 with 30 min dance with 3rd grade (rehearsing for show!) Thurs 5/7 with BALLROOM dancing with my 5th grade! I haven't had enough energy to do this since we started the dance class eight weeks ago. But suddenly today I felt…
  • Yeah, this new Austin is not a looker. LOL Very feminine.
  • Thanks for the warm welcome back. Tomorrow I go back to work after a week vacation. *sigh* I hope I can get it together there and stay focused!!!
  • I'm here! Sorry! I think I am *making* myself busy so that I don't have to think about my weight gain. The wicked tricks our minds create!!! Thank you so much for your warm welcome home. I am so relieved to be back amongst healthy friends!!! 1/7 with 15 minute walk. Gotta start somewhere!!! :ohwell:
  • Hello friends. I hope you'll have me back. Been a wild ride for the last year. Time for round 2. *sigh* But I am going to focus only on positive energy. I've missed this group!!!
  • Here I am. Round 2. *sigh* Thanks for the invite and for remembering me, Mollie! I have missed this. A lot. Not much on words tonight, or for reporting my huge failings. I am just trying to get back in the groove and stay positive. :)
  • I really hope Marlena does come back. I love her!
  • Momma - *hugs* you and your family are in my prayers. Keep in touch. Teresa - Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!! No babies here. I am perimenopausal! :noway: :laugh: :glasses: Started school today. Ugh. That means early mornings and early nights. :sad: I hope I can keep up with here and work, ladies. Wish me luck!
  • Allison - WOW what a huge diff in your pics! You go, girl!!! lstpaul, I never knew your name was Leann. That is one of my dearest friend's name. So beautiful! I posted my goals on the last thread but I'll post them again because I think they are lost in cyrberspace: 1.) Come here every day 2.) Exercise at least three times…
  • I am thinking she is one good looking newborn who is very photogenic and has very competent photographer parents! :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Man I overate BIG time this weekend. Grrr! Why do I always overeat when I go to a Mexican restaurant!?!?!?!?!?! Don't even start me on the 500-calories-a-margarita damage!!!…
  • What's up with EJ giving his kids to Sammi?
  • Allison...............-0.2..............0.1% debra................-0.7..............0.25% lstpaul..............-0.6..............0.27% Lauren..............0.0...............0.0% Heather...........-1.8..............-1.01% (re-loss) Nance..............-2.0..............0.49% (re-loss) I'm so happy to be going in the right…
  • Everybody is posting great pics! So exciting! Julie, she is absolutely perfect! I smile every time I see a pic of her. I keep remembering back before you were married and how much has changed in your life since then. So wonderful! Momma, thank you for looking forward to my arch! I am very happy to be back! I got to go…
  • Heather - how exciting that you and Jess got to meet! I am so jealous! :tongue: check in: cals: under too much. Will work on hitting that high number tomorrow! water: about 64 oz exercise: 30 minute walk and housecleaning proud: I am back for good! :bigsmile:
  • OK I've been gone a long time but I'm seeing this whole four goal thingie with ya'll so here goes: My Four Goals 1. Get back on track with food 2. Get back on track with exercise 3. Come here daily 4. Stop beating myself up for gaining So far so good! :)
  • Oh my word Julie she is stunning! I am so happy for you and yer hubby!!! What a joy! Look at that full head of hair!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: I managed to go to a birthday party and not binge!!! I am very proud of myself!!!
  • meokk - yes, I'm, again. But at least I am back! I missed this whole 4 week weight challenge thingie, but if you do it again, count me in. I was logging my food today for the first time in forever, and you know how it shows you your most frequent foods on top? Well, damn I was eating a lot of healthy foods! LOL…
  • Well of course we all knew the Salem PD would never catch Stephano! Those members of their police force are like the Keystone cops! LOL
  • In honor of Maisie Charlotte's late but grand entrance into the world, I am re-dedicating myself to coming back here every single day. I did it before and I can do it again! I have gained a total of 35 pounds (gulp) since I left and I refuse to give up! I need your help, sisters! I want to give you my phone number so that…
  • Julie I am so happy for you and little babykins!!! Welcome to the planet, Maisie Charlotte!!! The world just became a better place with you in it. :heart:
  • SISTERS!!! I've missed you all so! I had a dream that Julie had her baby today so i had to stop by to see! I'll write more later...helping my father get back into his apartment. Love you all and miss you loads!!!
  • Sisters! I'm still here! Still logging and exercising! I am in a show this week, so you know what that means - no time to chat! Boo! :grumble: I am proud to announce I have not touched the junk food at all! I don't plan to, either. This will be the very first time I did not blow it during a show! I am so excited! Love you…
  • Deb - I think the journal is a very good idea. And Happy Anniversary!!! Momma - I am soooooo happy for you and your little man! I had a huge smile on my face reading your optimistic post! lstpaul - THANK YOU for sharing your tips! I think I am the only one here old enough to get the damn hot flashes! ROFL All you girlie…
  • Momma - I vote for doctor visit! Just to make sure it is nothing! I am super happy to be back and am so grateful to have found you all! With that said, I did overeat today - too much bakery bread! :embarassed: At least it wasn't chocolate!!! check in: cals: over by 300 water: 70-ish exercise: 30 minute walk proud: We're…
  • Julie! My birthday is July 17th! I am hoping for one day late! :laugh: Andrea - It does sound like you have a lot of stress going on. Focusing on school may help get your mind off your father's issues. I agree with whomever said that he is an adult and makes his own decisions and all you can do is be there for him. Chris -…
  • lstpaul - good for you for recognizing the addiction substitution. You are absolutely right. I am proud of you for recognizing it and making a plan to end it! :flowerforyou: Julie - what is your due date? I think I missed it during my absence. Chris my love! What is your wedding date? I think I missed that, too! Another…
  • My sisters are out enjoying this beautiful day, methinks. I just finished a 40 minute work out at the gym! I am proud of myself for recommitting! Happy Day everyone!
  • Allison..............-2.2.............1.03% Julie................+1.4...............yep Lstpaul............-1.0..............-.42% Ann...................-1.4..............0.61% Jess.................-1.6..............0.72% Andrea.............+4.0..............?..............Sob Debra...............-10.4 .3.68%…