

  • im not saying eating clean is the only way to lose weight by any means im simply posting what worked for for staying on topic with the original post im explaining you can eat pretty much as much clean food as you want before bed without the guilt and weight gain. I'm not lost and I'm always open for new things to…
  • Lora look up definition of ectomorph and endomorph. people with different genetics let alone thyroid issues. everyone's different as an endomorph I have to eat a ratio of carbs protein fats in sequence of 30:50:20 as where an ectomorph can consume 50:30:20 and 3500 calories a day and not gain an ounce.everyone is…
  • oh one more thing. your body craves carbs! youre legitimately addicted to your food. Addiction! look up the true meaning of gluttony doesnt just mean to over consume food. addiction! break those chains! eat to live dont live to eat!
  • I dieted and exercised for 8 weeks eating 1800 calories of crap and didnt lose a pound. I now eat 2500-3000 calories a day of clean foods and lose on average 2 pounds a week. im stuffed! 70 pounds gone 20 to go! paleo people paleo!
  • youre hungry because youre hungry. try drinking a bottle of water first.if that doesnt curb your appetite eat leftovers! chicken, fish, steak, ect! 300 calories of chips once crushed isnt very big, it can fit in the palm of your hand as where 300 calories of chicken looks identical to lunch sized portions. obviously 300…