

  • Going strong in the middle of my second week. It's the real deal. There's a couple of excercises that I couldn't do like the Dreya Roll or all of the Ab Ripper X but I can definately tell big difference in both my strength and flexibility.
    in p 90 x Comment by Aidl9922 November 2010
  • I find that if I eat fruit, I satisfy my sweet tooth and I don't crave the sweet junk as much. Now and then, treat yourself but remember the fruit.
  • Ms Parker-Pope's article is very informative and worth the read. I noticed that my Raquetball performance drastically improved when I ate an apple on the way to my workout. It gave me the energy I need. In between each game, we take time out to drink water and wipe off the sweat. This gives us good rest and reduces the…