

  • I didn't look at the menu, but one thing that has been working for me is to just ask the restaurant to do grilled chicken/fish with veggies/salad. Sometimes I do chicken and veggies. Sometimes I ask them to do a salad with grilled chicken on the side. We went to an Italian place recently, and I got the tomato caprese which…
  • Yes, you will! I also repeated weeks. I think it took me 3 tries to do the very first workout in the first week. Just run slow. Speed will come. I know it's hard, but running has really helped me lose weight. Good luck!
  • skinnytaste.com kalynskitchen.com Those are my favorite. Good luck!
  • I'm a professor, so I am kind of in the same boat with needing healthy and convenient stuff. Here are a few ideas: -water! I usually bring a big plastic cup with a straw (the reusable kind) with water or iced coffee or Cyrstal Light made at home with me. Then, I also bring a big thing of water in an insualted sleeve (found…
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