NiaCas Member


  • [/quote] Sad when people prefer looks over function for something meant for function. [/quote] Very true. I'm not interested in spending over $100 on something that looks "ok" and becomes more of a novelty as aesthetics allegedly increases. I just want the most accurate tool available that uses the best technology I can…
  • Just clicked on the bodymedia fit banner at the top of this page and realized I could have spent $12 less -_- Grrr... Oh well- thought I'd mention it in case anyone happens upon this topic and wants to buy one. With the code that mfp offers, the total comes out to $95.20 although I wish promotional codes would stop…
  • I can just never seem to justify buying a membership to costco lol. I know I should- they seem to have lots of great deals. Too late now though lol my fit core should be arriving today or tomorrow! Yay! Does anyone sync theirs multiple times a day. I'm too cheap to buy the arm band and want to know how many calories I've…
  • Thank you :) I was leaning towards just getting the core from bodybugg because of the price and the free 6 months, but looks like people have better things to say about the bodymedia website and I found a bodymedia coupon code, so am getting the core for just over $101 with free shipping :) Very happy and can't wait to get…