

  • Heart rate monitor is the only way to go. I've been using one for 5 years and I find I can't exercise without it. An estimate is next to useless as heart rate dictates calorie expenditure. When I go on an elliptical trainer I have my heart rate from 160 upwards for an hour so end up burning around 1,100 calories. MFP way…
  • I broke my ankle 8 weeks ago. I had the plaster put on Saturday night. I was back at the gym Monday morning, The rowing machine didn't work with my plaster. What I found was ok was the exercise bike. Lower your seat more than you would normally set it. I would use the exercise bike for 30-40 minutes. With the plaster your…
  • I've actually realised what is going on here. She is coming onto a health website and caricuturing a crash dieter. Including exulting about the first day!! lol. And a breakdown of hour by hour how successful the method is. Cleary she is taking the piss. I hope everyone gets that. I call Trol!!
  • Death by celery. Yep. It can happen. http://ironracer.hubpages.com/hub/Celery-Diet
  • Seems to me the OP is just looking for affirmation that her crash diet is ok. There is no magic pill, amazing diet, shortcut. Why can't people get this into their heads? And cannot beleive the people on here suggesting its ok. Seriously. You can't talk sense into some people. And I can bet you that those who support the…