

  • I just read your story on the Facebook link you posted. Started tearing up, right here at my desk during my lunch break. I am so inspired by what you have done to take charge of your life, to overcome your past, and to face your future as the you that you deserve to be. As impressive as your weight loss has been, it is…
  • I'm 5'4" and 34 years old. My goal weight is 125, or being able to wear a size 6 in Old Navy jeans without having to fear that I may have to sit down in them at some point - whichever comes first.
  • Hey. I just started yesterday too. I am 34 and want to lose 20-25 lbs. Add me if you'd like. I don't have anyone else "policing" my progress, yet. ;-) So ready to love my summer clothes again!