

  • How does it work? I'm a retired female cop over 50, enough moxie there?
  • Congrats on making the decision to quit smoking! I'm glad you aren't quitting like I did. Major heart attack at 53 made it really easy to put them away. My friend quit like you are, with a quit date. He walked around the block as fast as he could every time he had a craving. By the time he was done the craving was gone.…
  • Baby steps is the first thing you need to keep in your mind! You don't sound silly at all. You sound like all the rest of us when we started. I'm a heart patient (ten months out from my heart attack) also suffer from osteoporosis and only 54 years old. I share this to give you evidence of where I've come in 2 years time.…
  • I think the change does show. I don't think you can see it because you're just too close and you're not able to be objective! We're always hardest on ourselves. Your progress and hard work does show!
  • I've been using this site for about 4 days now and would highly recommend it to anyone. It's incredibly user friendly and helpful. Thanks and kudos to the people who've put this all together.
    in Hello Comment by angiepc May 2009
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