princessquitealot Member


  • If you understand addiction then you KNOW one day at a time! That's how the battle is won. One day, hour minute at a time. You understand that your first action is a non action....sit on your hands and do nothing. The hard part about food is none of us can just we can with cocaine, alcohol, on and on....Do it!…
  • I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Just trying on cute things is fun! You've worked hard, now play.
  • Yep, sure was/is scary as hell. People only noticed that I was slender when I started wearing sizes that fit. Since I started here I've lost like 10 pounds but I went from size 8-10 to now the clothes that fit have shape built into's really fun to try them on in the store, but to actually WEAR them in…
  • She's right...a running club is quite the motivator. Ladies of Leasure my hiney. Just dont get frustrated yet. It's way to early in the summer to be frustrated. I do some sort of cardio every day except Friday, and I lift small dumb bells and plank till I turn green like 4 times a week...but I'm neurotic about it. I also…
  • You'll be more comfortable on something a bit bigger, and as Warren Miller says...if you don't do it this year you'll be one year older when you do.
  • I got called on that just this weekend. Just say thank you...that's what she told me...Just say thank you. I'm not sure it's my self image or my general rough personality (I've been called Sandpaper in the past) or my personality is a cover for my self image....what I know is the battle goes on and on and on and sometimes…
  • take some baby pictures to help you get through sorry to hear about your bike.
  • Oh wow...why join a gym...why even try cause I sleep, and rest, and concentrate better. Cause when I come home after excercising I leave him alone (in a good way) to watch the news while I get out of wet clothes and shower off. Cause I have the dedication to GO but I don't have the dedication to do it on my own. Cause I…
  • 1. I've travelled roughly half way round the world for a vacation 2. I can French braid my own hair 3. I crack my knuckles 4. I ride a motorcycle 5. I drink tap water as long as it doesn't make me sick. Sometimes it tastes a bit mossy 6. My regular pace is about 4 miles per hour 7. I run a bit high octane 8. I like to knit…
  • I've been strength toning for years, lotsa reps, lotsa pulsing not lotsa weight. The heaviest bell I use is 12 pounds and most of the time if I'm feeling off I can sail through my routine with 10 #'s. One of the major benefits I've reaped is posture. I sit up straighter, and my stomach is engaged until I sleep. With low…
  • This might sound awful, but if I am 'required' to attend, I take tiny portions, and share, or not finish. I don't like to be pushed around by opportunivoristic circumstances. Just because it's there doesn't mean I need a stale doughnut. Sometimes I arrive late, and have water with lemon, and no one says anything anymore.…
  • I have people who get downright offended if I say 'no thank you' to their cookies, cake, chocolate covered cherries. I work in a place where we are very careful what we say to each other. Three people have commented that I look like I've lost weight. And the rest just don't matter. The looks from other women mean nothing…
  • WHEN you become a rider what will you ride? I say when because really it's only a matter of time. I don't need the bike but I NEED the decompression that I get after work taking the long way home. Really I need shoes. I don't NEED hand painted Sanita clogs. I don't need jazzercise membership, but don't try living with me…
  • Wow! I've just been thinking about riding to work. I have an 04 Low Rider which I've bonded with very well. I got so caught up in the moment that I forgot to pay attention to all the details. I'm a bit of a spaz so there was some general concern for my safety, but apparently I spaz to the left when I need to. HAPPY RIDE!
  • Good lord yes, I am not fat, I am not lean either but that doesn't mean that some days I don't feel 20 pounds heavier than I am right now. I'm very careful on those days to stay away from anything that might make me feel worse. No chocolate is going to help so stay away. I remember to nourish myself with healthy things. I…
  • You are the only one here who gets to beat you up. We all make mistakes, the tall, the short, the healthy, the unhealthy, the very lean, the very heavy, every one of us. We wouldn't be here if this site didn't give us something we needed. Thank you for breaking out of your lurkdom.
  • You are scared, but you are also brave. I'm new here, but what I've learned is that this site is more powerful than fear. This site is more powerful than food. This site is more powerful than any one of us alone. This site may just be saving lives. This site can help. Stick around for a while, and work the scared off.
  • What ever you're doing keep it up!
  • I'm 44 and now that I have the stablilty, and time to execise I'm sore many days.
  • When I first started exercising, I was wearing my husbands XL t-shirts. Yesterday I bought the prettiest exertank...this is both a victory and a small inspiration for me to keep going. Today for the first time my pants didn't roll down around my waist. I'm by no means done, in fact I'm just getting started. I've dropped at…
  • What you are doing is really scary and you are very brave! You are right about muscle and fat....a pound is a pound is a pound. If we were all made of gold we'd be pretty da** small. Please don't give up. You are worth it! Lifestyle changes are HARD WORK! Think about people who quit smoking...and that's something they can…
  • okra is slimy, liver..I've been told I've not had it cooked right...ew...other organ meats. most candies, octopus gives me the creeps, I have issues with lamb
  • What can I do to help? I"m 40+ and still get fidgetty when I don't exercise daily. I'm new here, but I will help if I can. Congratulations on the loss by the way. Amazing!