LL108 Member


  • I'm glad you're doing well and keeping your body strong. Its so different after cancer how our outlook on life changes. I'm thyroid cancer diag 2001 recurrence 2005 and high risk an theyre watching suspicious nodes (localized). I have more chronic bummer health issues than deadly ones at this moment...I think I've done…
    in New! Comment by LL108 July 2012
  • Totally me too!! 10-12 lbs and puffy an my age 43...I'm so frustrated
  • I'm a thyroid cancer pt. and am on Levoxyl. They have to give me more than I need to keep the cancer away and I don't know if it's my age 43 or what but my Dr dropped dose I got all puffy mixed with a broken foot (months ago) and my metabolism seemed like it stopped...an my bloodwork was hypo, yea it's a nightmare...i…