

  • I am an Asian with small body frame, age 38 (low metabolism) . Height 5'5" with 130lbs (lost 4 lbs in last 6 weeks, very slow). I m keeping my 1200kcal as recommended by MFP and having one hot yoga class (60mins) everyday, and Step aerobic class (45mins) 3 times a week but still losing weight slowly. The fat around my…
  • Hey, I am from HK too... just wanna see if I can get some motivation from the peers here
  • I m new here too but I am on my iphone apps a few times a day. Pls. add me !!
  • Similar here....... 5'4.5" . I just started my fitnesspal 10 days ago. My CW is 128 and my goal is 110. I have all the fat deposit around my waist and hips which is terrible. My plan is to push dinner as early as possible (before 8pm) to help with belly and waist and exercise to help with the lower part. BTW... really…