

  • A good post! Science is constantly discovering new things about our bodies. Fasting is and has been for centuries a way of life for many people of all religions. What scientists are now discovering is if you keep eating your 5 or 6 or 7 small regular meals a day you never give your body a rest - you simply keep it topped…
  • Go Super Woman! You are doing brilliantly, more so because inches off your body are so much more important than a weighing scale. You look fabulous. Congratulations x
  • Try to eat a small amount of protein in the morning. Protein keeps you full for longer and you are not loading your body with sugar. Sugar is evil as it makes your body produce Insulin to balance out the sugar - all insulin does is tell your muscle and fat cells to STORE, STORE, STORE it up for fat to be used later. Kick…
  • I have got to lose 10kgs, roughly 22 pounds. Have been on it a week and lost my first kilogram, yippee! Just looking to like minded people who can motivate me and give me the courage to start running again. Going for a short 15 minute cycle to the office now and will do 15 minute cycle on way home - but I need to do lots…
  • I've got 10kgs to lose, have been on it for a week and lost my first 1 kg. Would like to have motivating pals who can give me the confidence to run again
  • My Dad died this Sunday 16 April 2012 at 7am. Everyone has to die, we all do, it is part of the life cycle. We are going to have a wake for him on Thursday night - the wake is to celebrate his life. He was such a lovely man, everyone loved Larry. And I, along with so many people, have the bestest of memories of Larry - my…