jmbrown727 Member


  • I was eating my calorie goals given to me by MFP and did not lose any weight. I saw a nutritionist and it changed dramatically. Same calorie recommendations but instead of eating 1290 and adding more for days I exercised, he recommended I just level it out to 1400 / day. I was eating almost all of my carbs at night = not…
  • I have been on MFP for 10 weeks. Lost 4 pounds in first 2 weeks and then have lost hardly anything since even though I am working out 6 days per week and staying within my calorie goals. Only down 6 pounds. I finally had a chance to meet with a nutritionist today and am really excited about some changes he suggested. I was…
  • I did P90X last spring. Loved it when I started and did get good results as far as building muscle. My brother is very committed to it and on his 3rd time through with great results, but I have had a hard time going through it again. Tony isn't that funny after 3 months of listening to the same jokes! After a while, I…
    in P90x! Comment by jmbrown727 May 2012