

  • I work 3am to 11am so breakfast isn't a problem. My eating is rather jumbled, I may have turkey at 5am. Its all about adjusting to the timetable for me. I also eat several small meals a day and hydrate like crazy. What has worked wonderfully is consistent exercise, which does get tough for a night owl like me.
  • Whoops! I meant people are bigger, stronger, and faster! Yet we humans are much fatter now than in days gone by.
  • I am in no way an expert, yet my take on the BMI issue is that it may be outdated. People are bigger, stronger, and fater than before, and my feeling is that your overall physical health is at issue, not conforming to what the experts say your body weight should be, if you feel and look good, enjoy it, reap the benefits of…
  • Thank you for posting very informative and helpful alternatives for those of us who are trying to get more protien into our diets. I've recently gone veggie, and my body cries out for meat! If you have any recipies to pass along, please do. This is my first few days on MFP, and I need all the help I can get
  • Hi, I'm a single dad of a beautiful but fiesty almost 9 year old girl. I've been up and down with my weight for years, and I want to get fit so my daughter and I can become closer. Hopefully by reaching out in this manner I can get suggestions, advice, and support.