magscram Member


  • Hello Sarah, sorry for taken so long to get back to you. I used to have a FB but haven't been on it for some time now. I don't come on here very often as I do use the WW boards more. Hope you are doing well & managing to lose. For once in my life I seem to be managing really well on this diet. I am constantly thinking…
  • Hi Sarah, I am of a similar weight. I am 46 & have been overweight all my life. I have always just gotten heavier & heavier with each passing year & diet. I started Weight Watchers again at the beginning of this year & happily for me its going well at the moment. What's probably helping is that my husband & best…
  • That's great, well done !:smile:
  • I managed to do it . Mxxx
  • Thanks.......I have all the stuff - scales, steamer, lean griller etc just need the will power - LOL. I like what I am seeing so far on the site. Not sure if I need to go on another board or not for this question but is it possible to change how may calories etc that you are allocated when you put in your…