Sound stuff right here. Once I dedicated the time I realized that it only takes a few minutes each day to figure out what I ate and what I was going to eat the next day. And it doesn't take any more time than it did to order too much food at a restaurant or order myself a whole pizza.
1. Stick to a plan. Results do not come in one week. 2. If you mess up do not "punish yourself." You'll end up abandoning it all completely. 3. You are not dieting. Dieting is dumb and negative. Dieting implies punishment and that you "stop" at some point. You are trying to learn a more healthy lifestyle. 4. Exercise. 5.…
I stick to a regular routine for a few months and then I slowly changle little things up. Variety is really what keeps me going. I could never just do the same exercises over and over all year and expect motivation or results.
I didn't assume anything, lol. I was just generally commenting on those silly "a fit butt in 10 minutes" ads that seem to be everywhere. I don't know why you are taking everything so personally. You are was defensive and assuming all this random **** over what? A few sentences I typed. I wasn't patronizing, you were trying…
Jesus Christ, you asked a question and I answered. Why do you go all aggressive?
Squats. Learn to do them properly and push yourself. Girls who squat are incredibly sexy. And ignore all those garbage ads you see on fitness website. The true secret to a great backside is squats.
ITT: Bitter people overreacting because of their own relationship frustrations
I love how all the "pffft video games!" people take a break from Keeping Up With The Kardashians just long enough to knock on other peoples hobbies. And of course all the morons that immediatly start with "leave him!" who are all on their 2nd+ marriage. Just sit him down and have an adult conversation with him. Share how…
Weight can fluctuate a lot with water and exercise. I wouldn't be weighing yourself every two days. I would weigh youself once a week MAX. You may also need more calories per day.
I avoid anything manure exposed. That's why I only eat live animals and avoid anything that's grown out of the ground.
There's nothing about lifting that will harm your gender identity. It's not about being manly, it's about fitness and health! I say go for it.
People only do this when they have nothing to contribute but want to feel superior.
It's unrelated to gender. You'll often see a lifting program cite a percentage (ex: 85% of max X amount of times). It's more abouty personal records and improving yourself.
Because I don't like it when people look at me. I'm not super fit or toned. It's why I'm there! Yet people seem to glare with judgement that I can't squat as much or whatever. :(
This is a date I want in on!
I wish someone had told me this years ago, and maybe I would be fit now. Solid solid solid advice.
Tuba, checking in.
I come bringing puppies.
Keep in mind part of their job is to have trainers and nutrition experts guide their lives so they can maintain whatever image is making their money.
The idea that we are only meant to eat plants is vegetarian broscience. We are perfectly adapted to eat meat proteins.
The answer is always "of course not!" followed by the crippling fear of knowing that there is no true right answer. Just prepare for the rage.
5lbs in August? I'm up for this challenge.
I couldn't stand you up! Haha.
You're a monster.
It took me a few tries to finally quit, but it's more than worth it. Just stick with it. I don't recommend any other kinds like chew or ecigs, they'll just send you back. Best of luck!
-'s just an iced mocha. Drink it and be grateful for the gift. Decline in the future if they start shoving candy regularly down your throat. Why would you waste a gift or throw it away?
I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.
Maybe they're just in the zone?
I LOVE my Kindle. I can't read off a lit screen for a long time without getting a headache so a Fire/iPad/Whatever was out of the question. The Kindle is light, easy to load, and looks perfect for reading from. Amazon prices on books are usually pretty competitive, too.