

  • "Bulking" method, you will find lots of useful info on the net. What you need is gain muscle, not lose more body fat if you are at 10.8%. A general workout plan would be 5-6 sets of 8 reps and lift HEAVY till you can't do more reps. Rest ~1 min per set. Do an over calorie diet. This means you gain weight for get bigger and…
  • Combine weight lifting with cardio. Start with 10-12 mins of "warm-up" cardio, then weight lifting. Try hit 15-18 reps/set on maximum rest of 15 secs. Do a fast walking cardio after weight lifting for around 40-60 minutes for burn as much fat possible. If you don't weight lift you will lose lean muscle fiber and you dont'…
  • By seeing thousands of comparison images on the web, from friends and mostly myself I believe losing weight back to normal always change how people look like, mostly more attractive (body and face).
  • I height 169CM and weight 80Kg (started at 110Kg). I'm a very active person of ~900-1000 calories/day. I take a good amount of calories in morning and then I split my meals to every 3 hours. Most of my calories are from supplements plus I workout a lot at gym. Mostly I'm not hungry at night but if I get hungry won't be…