

  • My husand and I have been friends since we were about 7 years old. We have pics of us trick or treating together and at family gathering. His family and my family have always been like family. So we have spent almost our whole lives together we are almost 40 now. We have one child and she is going to be 10 this year. I am…
  • so gave my trainer a printout of what I have been eating the past 15 days and I am not eating enough he says my body is eating my muscle. That is why I am not getting results.
  • I am looking for friends to help support and give advise. I started out at 207 and now at 198. I go to a personal trainer 4 days a week for 6 weeks now. I am a 37 year old female. Please add me we can help each other.
  • Thank you everyone the the work of encouragement and thanks for becoming my friend. I really needed to hear that today!!!