

  • I've been keeping a leopard print belt that I bought when I was 16. I want to wear it again!
  • Fried food is my weakness too. That and craft beers. Good luck!
    in Hello Comment by emfross April 2012
  • That's a great idea! I always heard never eat after 8p.m. which I was trying to do, but it makes more since to eat when your body needs it. I'll try to have a small snack and go to bed 2 hours after.
  • There aren't very many people with our name!
  • Thank you everybody! I've decided to change my calorie allowance from 1350 to 1600 and change my goal weight. I need to lose about 73 pounds to get to my goal weight, so I've decided to make smaller goals. I think going to bed earlier and waking up earlier will help, too. I loved the healthy snack ideas! Another obstacle…
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