Feel free to add me too. You're right, the more support we get the better...
Good luck Mike... The first week will be the toughest, but after that it's a breeze. So hang in there...
I started my 90-Day Challenge 8 weeks ago and set my goal to 45 lbs. I have lost 39 lbs so far and feel great. Body by Vi is great! So it can be done... Good for you Estrella52 and Tina_Scott. The first 1 or 2 weeks were the hardest for me, but totally worth it.
My name is Art. I am a soon-to-be 50 year old. I started my 90-Day Challenge 6 weeks ago and set my goal to lose 45 lbs. My oldest daughter and her fiance got me interested in the Body by Vi system. I decided to try it when I jumped on scale and it read 265! I have always been very active. I play baseball on Sundays and…