

  • Increase protein, increase fibrous veg, minimise sugar intake including fructose if fat loss is your goal. If you've been at a calorie deficit continuously for more than 7-10 days increase calories to at least maintenance for two to three days and then go back to a deficit as it will bring your metabolism back up as it…
  • Doing a split routine can have it's benefits but a full body routine 3 times a week can be very challenging to beginners not accustomed to higher intensity training. The bodybuilding split was developed originally by athletes who had a little 'help' along the way, recent studies have actually shown this to be of less…
  • Logging a shopping trip as an exercise really is desperation in all honesty. On average if you sat down all day and did nothing you'd use about 1 cal a minute that equates to about 1400cals a day. People generally live a very sedentary lifestyle as it is so suggesting that a three hour walk is over and above what you'd…
  • Hi all. Gymgeek from Bedford.
  • Firstly, sorry for your loss. The loss of any great influence in your life can make us feel lost, confused lacking confidence as they are generally always the same people we looked towards for support or approval. I lost my Father just before Christmas and constantly chased his approval, being blokes though we are…