

  • Thanks everyone, really helpful :-) Ill push for 1200 calories today!
  • Thank you! That was really helpful, I think I am getting a bit too scale happy at the moment! But thanks for the pointers!
  • I use MFP day in day out just to track how many calories I am eating, and to add exercise,I've been doing this for just over a year I've never posted on forums before , but thought I'd just see what advice was out there, I'd make a pretty boring troll! I'm sorry if you all think otherwise. But anyway, thanks for the advice…
  • Ok , maybe my humour doesn't come across well on here, so i will apologise for that too!! Really didn't think I'd get this much hate off one post, I feel like a right idiot! All week I've been feeling pretty good about myself because I genuinely thought I lost a decent amount of weight, and to find out this morning that in…
  • I was trying to add a bit a humour, I didn't mean it in a serious way! Why does everyone think I'm a troll?? If I've given people that imagine I'm really sorry! I seriously thought I did, I even logged it! And when I weighed myself this morning I couldn't believe it!
  • Wow, what lovely people! I can promise you I am no 'troll' Weather I read the scales wrong (that would be totally embarrassing because i got very happy last week!) or what, I am heavier this week then I was last, I still can't get my head around it!!!