

  • Honestly, I can't remember the first album I ever purchased. I do remember the first album that I received for a gift that I loved so much it didn't leave my AM/FM Cassette Walkman for 3 months. I was 10 - Christmas of 1980, my older brother gave me Rush 2112. I was 10, and I GOT IT. LOL :) Been my favorite band ever…
  • Taekwon-Do. Teaching Taekwon-Do. Laughing with good friends over a great meal that takes forever to eat because you're laughing with good friends. :) Watching "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." Best. Movie. Ever. Reading a good book (vs. reading a crappy one). May I recommend: "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein.…
  • Double cheeseburger from Crown Burger, large fries, and a chocolate shake. However, I probably wouldn't be able to eat all of it, because I can't eat that much anymore... makes me ill. THIS is a GOOD thing. :smile: However, I sure would give it a go. Especially for the double cheese... their burgers are so nom-nom-nommy.…
  • I'm Aug 14th too! Wonderful day, isn't it? Too darn hot though. LOL
  • W.T.F. Vomit much?
  • "Give It Away" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. GAH!!! Oh, and I'd like to find the moron who told Axel Rose he could sing... because they were WRONG, horribly, horribly WRONG. As a general rule, I'm not much on remakes, but Guns and Roses version of "Live and Let Die," is the ultimate in what NOT to do when recording a remake.…
  • Please add me, I could always use another friend - especially one who has such an inspirational story!! Good luck, and you have lots of support from me if you need it. :happy:
  • Greetings, I'm Sandy (feel free to sing the song from Grease, just not in my presence... LOL :happy: ). I'm a talker, I will admit that personality trait freely and never deny it - so this will be long-winded I'm sure. My apologies to everyone on the thread. LOL I just recently turned 42... but I'm not sure I actually feel…
  • I'm 5'3" and at one point in my life I reached a hefty 316 lbs. After all different kinds of diets (Medifast, Nutri-System, etc) I managed to lose about 70 lbs, and then gained 30 of it back. Last year I was training for my 1st degree black belt in Taekwon-Do and managed to take off close to 40 lbs - best I've done since.…