

  • 9 months ago I started bootcamp because I only managed 3k of a 26k bike ride that I though I should be fine to do. Last weekend I did Tough Mudder!!
  • I can only go based on what I've done. My first 10kg was "eating right", ie using MFP to track my eating habits and eating better quality food. The next 10kg was from working to and from work, Every day I do a 7k round trip, which is broken into 4x 20min walks, with a train ride in the middle Over the 3 months or so of…
  • I can vouch for it. My first 8kg (17lb) came off thanks to fixing my diet. The next 6kg (13lb) have been by adding some exercise into the mix. For me that exercise has been walking to and from work, which for me is about 7km (~4.5mi). I've got to the point now where walking has become easy, so I did my first boot camp this…