

  • Unfortunately for some people food is a total addiction whether you are overeating or restricting. When they begin their journey at say 1500 cals, it then becomes a daily struggle to force themselves to eat that...each day trying to reduce the food more and more thinking maybe today I could do 1400, then 1300. It's an…
  • But what about people who eat healthy food and are still overweight? It is about metabolism and everyone is different. When I was married I ate very healthy, all my grains and fruits and veggies and I walked and worked. My husband barely moved from the couch, scarfed down 5 burgers in a sitting and was thinner than me.…
  • Dynamite by Taio Cruz and Lets Get It Started by the Black Eyed Peas. Depends on your taste but anything with a good beat and motivating lyrics. Good Luck!