

  • Being honest with yourself is always the first step. Tomorrow is another day... don't punish yourself for what you have done, you can't undo it... just remember it and try to do better tomorrow....
  • I almost always eat the "recommended" calories.... but I don't always consume the "exercised" ones.... It's not something I plan on doing weekly... just getting opinions for when it happens... (like Mardi Gras Saturday)... But I've got Bacardi instead of hurricanes'!.... so trying to save a little...... Thanks to all for…
  • Now That's something I can do!!!
  • I purchased the Ft4 monitor and I love it. :smile: i had been doing the biggest looser power walk and was having success with loosing weight, but I switched to doing the old firm series, thinking the weights would hel me work harder. With the "average" I had burned 435 calories using the old monitor, or the calculations on…
  • I just purchased the video yesterday, I'll do it with you!.
  • I have tried a couple of the wrist straps, the downfall to them is that they don't "automatically" read your heart rate, during the exercise, you have to hold an area for it to count your pulse, so it's technically an inaccurate average of what you are burning while you work out. I have been looking at the ones with the…