HatherM Member


  • For some reason when I add comments on my phone or reply to you guys it isn't working :/ So when I'm on my laptop, I'll try to remember to add my comments. This week I've done yoga and headspace daily and walked each day (apart from today, rest day from walking) I've walked 28 miles this week. Today I've made yogi tea, veg…
  • So far so good, I've been practicing my headspace mindfulness & yoga, going for a walk and also reading each day. It's been easy up til this week though, as I was off work. Now the real challenge starts, with continuing all of this and work, whilst also remembering to take a break. I got so bad last year at eating at the…
  • Wow what a great Bank Holiday weekend, I worked half day Friday, so pretty much 4 days of relaxing and having lots of self-care, myself and my hubby have had a busy summer and September is a busy month for us too, so we took the long weekend for ourselves, did lots of meditation/mindfulness, yoga, walking and face masks…
  • I spent the weekend away with the hubby and my sister, exploring new places and cheering my sister on in her 107 mile cycle event Tour De Mon. Really tired today, but got up and did a little yoga this morning, lets see how work goes haha :smile:
  • Sounds like a great day :smile: and yes Yoga with Adriene is my favourtie :smiley: & what a small world
  • Love it :smile:
  • Original starting weight : 155.4lbs August starting weight : 149.6lbs August goal : 142 lbs (8lbs) Ultimate goal : 130lbs August 1st : 149.6lbs August 8th : 148.4lbs August 15th : 147.6lbs August 22nd: August 29th:
  • Yay glad you enjoyed... I also love her style and drop in and out of practice, but have so far committed to a month of yoga... Her and her team have yoga calendars for each month, if you ever want to follow or drop in and out of :smile:
  • Spent the weekend doing yoga, mindfulness, walking and celebrating my nephews birthday, so food side wasn't great, but lots of fun and good quality family time had :smile:
  • Have some family coming over this afternoon for food and my nephews birthday celebration, so got up and did my yoga and mindfulness, shopped and cleaned. Now I can have an hour chill before everyone turns up :smile: How's everyone's weekend shaping up?
  • I can assure you that play is the most fundamental thing humans (and animals) can do... I've spent a year writing about the importance of play... so I love reading this... GO PLAY, in whatever form that suits you :smile:
  • Original starting weight : 155.4lbs August starting weight : 149.6lbs August goal : 142 lbs (8lbs) Ultimate goal : 130lbs August 1st : 149.6lbs August 8th : 148.4 August 15th : August 22nd: August 29th :
  • As part of my uni dissertation I am looking at self-care, and it made me interested what do YOU class as self-care for yourself? How do you look after yourself? I'll go first... I have always struggled with relaxing, and was put off 'self-care' for years as it sounded expensive, or something unattainable for me. Now I see…
  • Ohhh sounds interesting & how inspiring too
  • so far so good... Day 7 and I've been completing both Revolution & Creativity practices of yoga each day (Yoga with Adriene), Headspace's Creativity Pack and walking a minimum of 2 miles a day. I am feeling tired and under the weather, but I have uni work to do, so will push on and try to be kind to myself, whilst also…
  • Had a great weekend of self-care, lots of yoga (I do Yoga with Adriene), mindfulness (I use Headspace app), walking, gardening, reading, watching Game of Thrones, eating outdoors and just generally enjoying the weekend, almost sorry it's nearly over, could get used to this haha :smile: I hope you're all finding time for…
  • Yesterday's plans didn't go the way I expected, instead of an afternoon of doing uni work I had family come over to visit, much more pleasant :smile: Today I really must spend the afternoon doing uni work though, but before that plenty of yoga and mindfulness to set me up for the day :smiley:
  • ok here goes... Original starting weight : 155.4lbs August starting weight : 149.6lbs August goal : 142 lbs (8lbs) Ultimate goal : 130lbs August 1st : 149.6lbs August 8th : August 15th : August 22nd: August 29th :
  • @Orphia Thank you so much :smiley:
  • @DeserveVictory let me know how you get on :smile:
  • @Orphia Wow that sounds really interesting :smile:
  • Well I managed to create something yesterday... There was no aim but I took some time to do something :smile: Today I've managed my Yoga & Headpace, so that was a good start to my morning :smiley:
  • @DeserveVictory I have found it really useful. I choose different packs & also dip in and out of the singles too. I've not been 100% consistent with it, I've done a couple of packs or a pack completely and left it for a week or month, but I always go back to it & notice a big difference when doing it daily. I'm much more…
  • Hi all, I'm back and hoping to shift the last 20lbs, but then it'll be the new challenge of maintaining (If I get there!), I'm active on MFP, but find the groups not very active or useful anymore, previously they used to be alive with chat & Motivation, so if you're active and want support etc. feel free to add me :smile:
  • I'm back again too, taking it a little easier though & going for 31 days of yoga twice a day & walking. We all gotta do what works for us :) Happy August
  • I'm in. This is my focus for August too, I have a dissertation to write! So I'm trying to find some balance in my life and as a therapist (Counsellor) self-care is really important, so my plan is to do yoga daily (I choose to do Yoga with Adriene -free videos on YouTube), Headspace (mindfulness) and something creative each…
  • @TheNewBecky28 if you add to the sheet as and when you want to, it should add it all up for you.
  • I think I'm going to stick to around 85miles... may need to adjust, due to ankle & foot injury, but as soon as I can I'd like to be out there walking again. I hope that it is soon, or I'll be going even more stir crazy :s
  • Welcome all, Hope you're all clocking up those miles. I'm out of action for the foreseeable due to a foot/ankle injury, but once it's better I'll be back out there catching back up :)
  • Unfortunately I've not been able to hit the 10K so far, after falling down some stairs & damaging my ankle I've been unable to walk much at all, hopefully I'll be on the mend soon so I can walk properly again