BrutalWarPig Member


  • Okay so as long as I start eating less calories and doing cardio. I should lose some weight?
  • Nope and mushrooms, better not touch any of my food.
  • Not off topic at all. I wanted some thought on that. I think 150ilbs is healthy for me, is it not?...I just feel like I still have a lot of belly and upper leg fat. What exactly is eating at maintenance and resistance training? I'm sorry for sounding naive, I really don't know.
  • I love dairy. I just can't do a lot of it do to, having a weak stomach to it. Its mainly veggies I can't do. Even if I can in theory pick around them like in spaghetti, I won't eat it because of tomato, mushrooms, onions. Yet I like raw onions and eat tomato's out tomato soup....I am just weird I guess. I hear you on…
  • The issue with eating when I am hungry that is I am either at work or in class at 10....but I will try to fit something in. Maybe if I wake up a bit a earlier, I ll eat a nice healthy breakfast. Also what are macros in the food sense?
  • That is a good way of thinking it and I am may try that instead. Going to start eating a breakfast and hopefully that will stop my mid morning munchies and I will hopefully be energized and not drink my daily red-bull cyclone. That, with adding more fruits and veggies and doing some soft exercise to start out would…