

  • I agree, the scales are not always the best way to mesure your success. My wife gained 5lbs in her second week and she is right beside me when doing P90x and is eating the same as I. She was a little discouraged affter the 3rd week, but i reminder her that she was able to do more pushups, jumping jacks, and other selected…
  • I started out with P90X lean, and yes it was rough. I look back and wonder how the H@#L I did it. I will say I dont think I would have made it at all if I had started with Shaun T. He's a machine. I'm still NOWHERE close to keeping up with him. It is pure cardio. Tony allows for rest in between sets. Shaun T says "LETS…
  • Here are mine.. So far, so good. 25 lbs more to go! For some reason it cut off the right side of the image I posted???? Oh well
  • I was out of shape in a horrible way the when I did P90X Lean. Once I had completed the 90 days I took some time off (not a good Idea) and did a round of insanity. My wife and I are now into week 4 of P90X Classic. This is my wifes first round. She is modifying the workouts so that she is able to continue on through each…
  • I completed one round of P90X lean and a round of insanity by myself before my wife began to show interest in becoming more fit. Please note; that even though my wife would eat icecream, eat cookies and milk wile Tony Horton and ShaunT were beating me into the ground, she would ALWAYs let me know that she was proud of me…