kg4vjy Member


  • non-drinker here/smoke free also
  • You CAN do this. I am shorter than you and weighed 206 in January. I started cutting back myself but then my daughter found this program. In April when I started this program I weighed 195. As of this date I am down to 182.5. :smile: I love food too but this way I eat what I want but now I know I have to eat smaller…
  • Hi! I have been logged into MFP for one week today. Showing a 3 lb loss for this week. Love the program because I can eat what I want just have to cut back on portions. My daughter is my friend on here so we can help each other. I've dieted before and lost so know I can do it but it is nice having encouragement from…
    in hello Comment by kg4vjy April 2012