

  • Eating calories is not what makes you gain the weight necessarily, its whats in the calories. Are the calories mostly from fat and etc? Its true your metabolism is what breaks down your fat. If you are not eating a lot then there is no need for it to be in high gear, but if you eat something light and fresh every two hours…
  • Where ever the first place you gained the most weight at is the place youll loose the most fat from. If you are top heavy then the ban size might shrink but the breast themselves may still be a nice size I have booty and breast so OMG look out when I finish
  • Thanksgiving . I look at it as thanks for giving me extra lbs to loose. You know there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating the food just as long as its portioned. I think that most people dont understand that you have to eat to loose weight or your body goes into starvation mode and it hoards food because it doesnt…
  • Sleep is our friend. Most dont understand that your body repairs in its sleep because its relaxed. Your muscles repair in your sleep thats why you wake up soar after a good workout. Without adequate amount of sleep your body is constantly tired and it can actually make you gain weight or stall loosing weight. So keep…
  • now thats what I call progress. Just a few months back I couldnt even go up a flight of stairs without getting tired now I can skip all the way lol. I like counting little progress cause it makes me feel like even though I cant see it I am progressing
  • Frisco all day