

  • Hey there. Good for you for deciding to make yourself happier. I say you take a full shot. Don't be afraid to show off your progress. Take a full shot now and then look back in six months. And when you have to change your photo because, well the current one isn't you anymore, you'll have succeeded.
  • Good for you on the p90x. Great program. Get x2 when you're done. You'll get more athletic. On to calories. It is always easier to take your needed calories including workouts for seven days and average. Day to day calculations are too easy to get wrong. If you know your intake based on the week, then it's easier to adjust…
  • As I've always been a fit guy, I won't pretend to know how hard it can be to start from "0". That being said, it is not the easiest thing staying fit and roughly 7% BF all the time. I think the best thing to keep in mind is that you've started. Always keep that in the forefront and I think you'll find it's easier to stay…