TriBecca_14 Member


  • My GP tested first and then sent me to the Endo. I had three nodules that were tested and came back as unknown for cancer cells. My thyroid was huge which indicated I had Hashi for sometime and never really knew it. The final biopsy came back clean-good news! I even have to push my Endo for tests sometimes; it is an…
  • I have Hashi's and it was only diagnosed by testing my antibodies. Like other's have said, don't let you dr blow you off. Get another opinion if you still don't feel 100%. My thyroid was removed in February and it is a challenge to drop pounds. I find that for me, it is better to do a little less cardio and more strength…
  • I have Hashimoto's (another autoimmune disease) and eating a GF diet tends to reduce the symptoms. I just recently started and it has been a challenge. As other have mentioned, there are a lot of resources out there and a lot of good recipes that will satisfy your taste for breads, pizza, etc. My boys and I are big comfort…
  • I save my beer for game time but my Blackhawks have a late game tonight. I have already started drinking...two beers down.
  • I found a Surge today at my local Target. It was the last one. So far, I really like it. Easy to use and very easy to set up and sync to MFP. Cant wait to really put it to use tomorrow...kickboxing!
  • Same issues here- MMF will not sync with MFP. I enter manually but gosh, it would be nice if it would return to normal.
  • Thanks all for the info! I am a firm believer in free will so I will drink, eat, think whatever I want. :tongue: That being said I really only add the packets once or twice a day so I don't fill up on useless calories. Throwing some lemons and stuff in has helped as well. Over time I am sure it will become habit. I noticed…