bella_roma Member


  • I have IBS-C with chronic constipation and will literally go over 2 weeks between BMs without aid. I've taken Miralax, which is just a stool softener, every day for over 2 years and it helps tremendously. Fiber makes it much worse for me, as it bulks me up, so I never take fiber aupplements. For immediate relief I would…
  • Thank you all! I've always struggled with the do or don't eat back my fitness calories. Right now, based on my current weight/height and goals I am given 1450 calories a day. I'm thinking I'm just going to try to stick to 1250 per day so that at the end of the week I can indulge a little without feeling guilty or worried…
  • Thank you all. I guess I was just hoping to read some positive results. Some reviewers and bloggers seem to swear by P57 for lifting their bums and losing inches in their hip area. As I said, I'm just not used to doing workouts that don't involve lifting or circuit training. I do carry a bit of excess weight around my hips…
  • Okay let me ask this then. If I use barre workouts will it help slim down my problem areas? I do watch what I eat. I follow a mostly Paleo diet and I'm fairly strict with not consuming processed foods, refined sugars, and wheat/gluten/grains.
  • Hello! I'm new and this is my first time posting, but I'm doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I just completed week 3 workout 2 and it kicked my butt! I really love Jillian's DVDs. I find them tough enough that I sometimes struggle with the moves, and I feel like I'm getting a great workout, but they tend to move…