zlacasse Member


  • Bahahaha, happy April Fools! That was a good one!
  • I started the Whole30 on September 29, so I am on day 10 today. Typically I struggle with food, but so far I have done really well. The exception being the evening of day 8, I completely fell off the wagon and ate anything and everything, but instead of calling myself a failure and quitting, I started fresh on day 9.
  • I love "Do not compare your Chapter 1 with someone else's Chapter 20!".
  • You're post is very timely. I just blew my calorie goal by 2400 calories last night, I was out of control!! So the fact that you mention that you had some bad days too and just started fresh the next day, makes me think (hope) that I can do it too.
  • I totally understand your sugar cravings and struggle with food myself. I found this DAMY sugar detox helped me out. I would probably eliminate apples from the food list if you want to avoid something that may send you into a sugar binge. http://www.damyhealth.com/2011/02/the-sugar-detox/