

  • Blood Sugar and Diabetics The name "sweet potatoes" is misleading because it makes it seem like a food that is going to be intolerable for certain people, such as diabetics. However, research has demonstrated that sweet potatoes are anything but: sweet potatoes have been shown to stabilize the blood sugar levels and also…
  • I'm with you.Just had Dr.'s appt.last week and she wants me to take cymbalta for fibomyalgia and try diet and exercise.I dont think the Cymbalta is for me!,I tried one pill and it made me feel really wierd .I work in a daycare with infants so I cant be feeling like that. So I was watching Rachael Ray the other night and JJ…
  • Count me in too .I can use all the support I can get! Just me and my husband at home and he eats whatever he wants,he's set in his ways I guess.Good luck to all of us... SW 245 CW 245 GW 240 UTW 150
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