princess2boys Member


  • Hi Charlotte, I started my second round of BR last week, starting with Disc #5 and am loving it all over again. I didn't lose as much weight as I had hoped to, but I also didn't follow her diet. I tried to stick with the recommended calories most days, but if I went over, I went over ;o( I did lose almost 21 inches though,…
  • I'm also starting my second round (lost 12 lbs and 21 inches) after coming back from vacation. I gained 5 lbs (ugh!) but have the same feelings as you do. I'm not beating myself up over it. It has been hard to get back into the routine of getting up at 5:30 to get it in, especially now that my evenings have freed up with…
  • I start Week 8 on Monday and I was concerned about that at the beginning as well. I have been surprised at how "not-sore" I've been...granted, I will be the first to admit that I don't give 100% for all 30 minutes, but I think I'm doing okay as at my 6 week measurements I was down 15 inches ;o). I have been sore…
  • In one of her podcasts that I listened to (sorry, no idea which one it was) she told a caller that adding extra cardio throughout any of the weeks is fine, but she didn't want any other extra weight/toning done as she created it to be very specific. Just an fyi on what I heard. With that being said, if you do join the gym,…
  • I need to be careful with my wrists as well, so I don't push it. I make sure my form is as good as I can get and just do what I can do. When I feel my wrists start to ache, I stop. May not be the right way to do it, but so far it's working for me and I haven't had to miss anything due to sore wrists. Christie
  • I love Cardio 2 and while I do hate the burpees, they are a fun challenge to try to do...I didn't think I'd be able to do 1. My form isn't perfect, and it's not pretty...but I'm doing the best I can and have never felt stronger! I am also liking 5/6...I've been sore...just enough to remind me that I was doing something…
  • Don't give up! While I have lost weight (7 lbs in 4.5 weeks), the inches lost and toning has been amazing! I've gone down one pant size, and while that doesn't seem like a huge accomplishment, it feels so good and my pants have never looked better. I can finally do pushups (the right way!). Hang in'll be so…
  • I only lasted one day and had a major binge. Took the rest of the week off and started again the next Monday following the calorie recommendations for each meal and snack. Ive been tracking everything and it's working much better for me. I started Week 3 yesterday and knowing I can have a bit of chocolate each day keeps my…
  • Yippee!!! We made it a week .... And I'm even looking forward to week 2! Christie
  • I also started today and am excited for the results. A secret...I tried to start last week...bought all of the ingredients for the Kick Start plan. Made it thru the afternoon eating well and then it all took a turn for the worse...for the rest of the week. Today I started counting my calories and easily stayed within…