

  • i am so terribly addicted to sugar. it's all i crave. i noticed that i only consume about 25% of the required sodium intake, and i'm always over my sugar intake by 200%. it's ridiculous but all i want to eat are sweet things, i never really crave salty food.
  • yes, your body metabolizes food more efficiently the fitter it is. although i learned in an intro to exercise science class that it takes just one week to lose one month's worth of training's gains. if you're sick, don't kill yourself exercising, because your body uses more energy to heal itself. during this time just…
  • I've been trying to lose 1/2 lb/week for months and my weight hasn't changed. I think it's an indication that I don't need to lose anymore.
  • i don't want to cut sugar out completely, but i am aware that i eat way more than i should. i suppose my goal would be staying under 30grams/day. most of these sugars should be from fruits. does this kind of go along with this group's goals?
  • some women just tend to carry fat in their inner thighs, even if they are thin. this is fine. if it bothers you too much, then i suggest squats.
  • that must have been rough: you should be proud of yourself for how far you've come.:flowerforyou: i used to have anorexic tendencies, which later led to late night binges ( i would starve myself all day and consume insane amounts of junk before bed) and sudden weight gain. it was terrible. after this, i became bulimic…
  • hey, you mention in your profile that you had an eating disorder when you were younger. i just recently got over one (with a few relapses now and then) but i'm wondering how you got through it, etc. if you want to send a private message, feel free.:happy:
  • yes, the fat percentage, not so much my weight, is my main concern. i'm dancing a lot now, and i have noticed an increase in muscle tone but i still don't feel thin enough. maybe it's because i'm short and i can't really achieve the languid look i'm going for.
  • wow. 500 is a lot. that means i only get to consume 1000 calories/day if i follow the 1500 maintenance guide. don't know if that's healthy or even attainable...
  • i made my own sushi yesterday for the first time!! it was so much fun and incredibly delicious. it's nice to make it yourself because you can control what goes in it: i used brown rice instead of the typical white, and i filled it with cucumber,avocado and smoked salmon. you can buy nori wraps very cheaply at an asian…
  • you all have been really helpful. i actually kept my sugar below 40g yesterday! i just followed the guidelines for my nutrition needs. it only recommended 1.5 servings of fruit, and 2.5 of vegetables. so yes, fruit sugars DO count. I did have .25 slice of apple pie, but it didn't do much damage. slowly…
  • i second The Cure recommendation. they are excellent work out music.
  • haha margaret, you are funny.:happy: i actually do not drink soda or any sugary drinks, and take my tea with no's the damn ice cream. and milk also has sugar. i just feel trapped. i wouldn't care as much if i wasn't in a 2-year plateau. seriously: it's been two years of struggle, and i've nothing else to…
  • most of it is actually from fruits, which is why it bothers me. i do have small portions of ice cream kind of regularly, but this will likely be changing starting now. anyway, i know fruit sugar is not as bad but it is still sugar.
  • listen to IAMX. it's this british alternative pop type music. very upbeat, and very good.
  • 1210 is insanely low! im allowed 1610 a day, and even THAT is too low for me. i suppose it depends on how much weight, and how soon, you want to lose.
  • i've been trying to lose 5 lbs for the past 3 months and i havent budged. i weigh 120, rarely go as far down as 118, but have not seen the golden 115lbs. my bmi is 21. i'm not overweight, i just want to get rid of some unnecessary fat. while my bmi seems healthy, i have 24% fat percentage, which is a bit high. anyway, bmi…
  • 30! it's ridiculously low: there hasn't been one day when i haven't gone over it. i mean, just eating two pieces of fruit is enough to reach 30g.
  • don't eat if you're not hungry. it's that simple. drink water. and feel better!
  • Babylilac: When in the "food" tab, go to "settings", and on "nutrients tracked" you can choose two other additional things to track other than carbs, fat and protein. good luck! SHBoss1673: Unfortunately, i DO find myself going over my sugar intake by 15 or 20, even doubling it at times! i never exceed my calories or my…
    in SUGAR Comment by mxhelili June 2009
  • i've been trying to lose the last 10 lbs for the past..oh say.........year! i honestly think that my body does not want to lose more weight, and i would have to drastically change my workout routine in order to see results (i have not yet done this, sticking to my convenient treadmill that has become all too easy). so i…
  • i feel your pain! the last 5 pounds has been my demon for months. i've kind of concluded that if my body REALLY doesn't want to lose them, then maaaaaaaybe they should just stay?
    in last 5 lbs Comment by mxhelili May 2009
  • is VO2 aerobic capacity?
    in V02 Testing Comment by mxhelili May 2009
  • that's such a great question. i took a swimming class in hopes of easing back tension. turned out that i got worse neck pains because i didn't use correct form. but once perfected, swimming is realllly good aerobic activity, as well as cardio. i'm sure it works for fat loss too, but you would likely need to do a lot of…
  • check this out. it's worth a try: "yoga for love handles"
  • dandelion tea is supposed to be a really good liver cleanser (i drink it when i have hangovers). also, i've heard milk thistle is a good detoxifier, but haven't tested it myself.
    in Toxins? Comment by mxhelili May 2009