77chantelle Member


  • Thanks aprilstar, i have cauliflower in my fridge, i will try that one sometimes this week.
  • THANKS FOR POSTING! we still need to hear from mnharrington, Tamieviece, and Neisha. This month has been really rough for me the added stress makes me snack and I have eaten sugar a couple of times this week, today I have started off great. I hate keeping track of what I eat. I am going to keep a food journal on a notebook…
  • How is everyone else doing? Just a reminder to log in your weight today and if you were able to complete the challenge. I ate a piece of pumpkin pie and didnt exercise yesterday.
  • Aprilstar, you should try kickboxing, just tell the instructor it is your first time and she can explain the kicks and punches in a slow motion at first. The more you go the easier it gets. I sometimes burn more calories doing kickboxing than running on a treadmill at a 5.5 speed. All kickbox classes are different i would…
  • I struggle with eating sugar treats, pizza, tortilla chips, and white flour. Today i had chocolate 250 calories, burned 500 doing kickboxing
  • GO RED! I am excited for this week, the last couple of weeks have been crazy and I want to and need to get back into the zone of eating healthy and exercising daily. I am going to post daily on this thread what I ate and what I did for exercise. I did have some chocolate today, but starting right now I am going to try and…
  • Melissatay, we all have been there and done that. Thank Goodness for new weeks to start over and get back on track. Health1971, way to go on your run and meeting ali, have you ever tried a spin class they can be fun to cross train with your running. Keep it up I am not a runner either but I try. Aprilstar, club dance…
  • Team red, post here for the second half of the challenge. What you won. How many crunches you did. If you used some equipment that you didnt win ( you can do this only for two days). Also post if you were creative and didnt use any equipment what you did instead. Please post by noon tuesday so i can put it on spread sheet.…
  • So good thanks!
  • Post on this thread for bids
  • Heaalth1971 bid 100 crunches for bike, what time do you allwant bid to end?6 pm tonight?
  • Ok, there are two threads going post on other thread red team week 3
  • It looks like Jamiegephart elliptical 25 crunches Neisha 2014 70 crunches gym class 77chantelle free weights 10 crunches Melissatay30 100 crunches ( i guess i will run outsiide:sad: )
  • Hand weights 10 crunches
  • Our auction is on this page, if you want to use any of the above equipment this week for five days you have to bid on it. You get two free days. I have to teach some exercise classes since it is my job i am not counting them as my workout. I do like to use treadmill and weight machines for my wokout. I am biding 20 for…
  • I Bid 20 crunches on treadmill
  • :smile: :smile: c congrats to jamiegephart for being week 1 biggest loser for the red team:smile: :smile:
  • MUST REED '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: MUST REED Hi, so I have had a challenging week, and I wont be by a computer Monday or Tuesday. My cousin Jamie is in our group and she will be doing the reports this week and reporting to our main challenge leader. Remember to report your weight by…
  • I need to drink 70 onces, completed. Rolled 4-30 crunches 1-20 push ups 4-30 crunches 1-20 push ups 2- 20 dips 5-30 squats Completed I have had a rough couple days, and have been overeating. Sugar and white flour, which is poison to me I usually have a a achy body when i do that. i am going to get back on it.
  • Great job everyone! Keep it up. Report weight to me by Monday or put it in the spreadsheet. Share your ideas here for the dice.
  • HI, don't forget to report your weight in today so I can give them to the challenge leader by tomorrow morning. Nice job for everyone completing this weeks challenge.
  • Go red! Weekends can be hard, stay strong! Halloween is coming soon. Buy candy you won't be tempted to eat ( For me it is anything chocolate) If you like all candy than buy spider rings or something else to hand out to the kiddos. Have a great weekend and remember to weigh in on monday, and complete the challenge.
  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AupZ8kDMiwo-dGNNemZqLVF4SWhQM2JHcFVpVXpKY1E&usp=sharing, above is the link to our spreadsheet. This is where you can add your weight each week and if you completed the challenge. GO RED!
  • I don't really watch T.V. at night, with making dinner, homework, and sports for the kids it is not possible. I do like to catch up on my shows during the daytime by watching them online. Last year during the biggest loser I would always watch it while I was working out at home either on the treadmill or doing free weights…
  • ok team red. We are going to do our weigh in on Mondays so I have them ready to report by Tuesday morning. When you have done the challenge this week send me a personal message. Remember to answer the "why" in the original thread for everyone to see not just for the red team, for points it has to be done there. Stay…
  • Welcome to week 1! I hope everyone is as excited as I am to get things started and shed some pounds! Each week I will post a thread like this that will be the place to get all your information for the week about the challenges. Your coach will also copy and post the challenge in your personal team thread as well. A few…
  • GO RED TEAM! This is my first time doing a challenge online I am very excited to start, I live in Arizona with my husband, daughter (17), and two boys (7,3). I teach at a gym, spin, kickboxing, weight class, and aqua. I love to exercise. i also love to eat good quality food. I struggle with wanting seconds, portion…
  • 138, goal weight 122-125
  • Too many snacks.
  • Love biggest loser! 77chantelle, age 36, I want to lose 10-15 POUNDS. Interested in being a coach :smile: