willpower5 Member


  • I'm in! I started on Monday so i'm now coming up on week 1 day 3. I tried starting a few weeks ago but had a hard time tracking my run time, this time i downloaded the app to my iphone and i love, love, love it. Turn on your music, then the GPS then select your day and hit start. it tells you when to run, when to stop,…
  • Try Black Strap Molassas, 2 tsp has 13 % of your daily iron requirement Nutrients in Blackstrap Molasses 2.00 tsp (13.67 grams) Nutrient % Daily Value manganese18% copper14% iron13.2% calcium11.7% potassium9.7% magnesium7.3% vitamin B65% selenium3.4% Calories (32)1%