lschramm Member


  • My LO is 7 months old and ebf. I've set mfp to lose 1lb a week, which is about 1500cals/day for me. Then everyday I enter "breastfeeding" as a meal. It adds 500cals to my day. So at 2000cals a day, I'm not restricting myself enough to have supply issues. And drink lots of water. So far I'm down 10lbs and just started to…
  • Love spin. My only advice would be to wear longer shorts... short shorts will ride up, and long pants will get caught in the pedals. Also, make sure your undies don't have a seam running right up the sensitive part :/
  • Isn't enough that when I finally get to sit down and chart, my patient at the waaaayyy other end of the ward needs a warm blanket?? lol
  • Second on the Klean Kanteen. I love mine. I have the 800ml one and the paint is chiping and it's got a few dings in it, but that gives it character! Makes me feel like I'm camping when ever I drink out of it. It doesn't hold smells. I can put a whole bottle of wine in it, then rinse, and have some water and it won't taste…
  • Hi I'm Liz. I'm an RPN from Ontario, Canada. I've been a nurse for a little over three years and I float all over the hospital. I was never the "skinny" kid in highschool, but not fat by any means. Then, going to nursing school, then starting my first full time job.... they pounds just packed on. I'm very happy to say I've…
  • Someone on the boards directed me to this. Tons of free full length workout videos. It's just plain awesome, I can have a new workout video every day! I get bored really easily. All you really need is a computer, and some floor space.
  • This drives me nuts! Most of us are here for the same reason , we're fat!! Certainly we didn't have a problem eating calories in the past, so why now??
  • 20 body weight squats 10 push ups 20 walking lunges 10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug) 15 second plank 30 Jumping Jacks Repeat x3 courtesy of
  • I've found some great videos on all you need is internet, and a little bit of space. The dance ones are great!
  • Another vote for the Klean Kanteen! I have two of them and they're awesome. No after smell at all, I could have a smoothie in it one day, water the next.
  • Biggest pet peeve? Bikes on the sidewalk!! As both a runner and a cyclist this annoys me to no end. When I'm running I hate having to run on the grass so a bike can pass. People seem to thing that it's safer to ride on the sidewalk, well no it ain't. Cars still have to pull out of driveways and sidestreets.
  • I'm in! I actually just finished L1 D3. But I would love the accountability to stick to this. I've been doing alot of cardio, but not enough strength training, so I feel this is just what I need
  • Beamsville Ontario here! originally from Cambridge though. Love the Niagara wine!
  • I make a smoothie everyday for my breakfast break at work. I blend up strawberry Source yogurt (35cals), a packet of splenda, 3/4 cup of mixed frozen fruit (60cals), and fill the rest in water. Makes a delicious filling smoothie, that while better freshly made, is still very tasty and thick by the time I drink it a few…
  • Well, I finally tried out the nike+gps today, and I'm in love. i like seeing the different colours on the map, and I really like the fact the Lance Armstrong gave me kudos! lol
  • I've been using runkeeper, but i did just download the nike one (cuz they made it free!). I agree, I do like the runkeeper's voice coming on telling me how far I've gone. I have yet to try nike+, but it already seems like there is too many things to "log onto" to make it work...
  • Nike Training Club is an awesome work out app. and it's completely free! it's a very large program, but it's because all the videos are already downloaded, no internet needed. Not sure what phone you have, but this is an iphone app. I love to do the "focus" routines.
  • Bah, all this chemical non-sense. I admit it, i do love mcnuggets, and i will continue to eat them. (in moderation, of course)!
  • Let me be the first to post this...
  • that is one of my power songs! i start throwing punches when i'm on the treadmill!
  • Tim hortons is my mega downfall. When I'm at work and get that 3pm sweet tooth, I would have a large double double and a donut, well right there, that's over 500 calories! So now I've switched to a medium with cream and splenda. and skip the donut! I haven't had a donut in a month and a half, and I don't even miss them.