Delamater Member


  • Wow, nice post. I was wondering why I suddenly stopped losing. It was getting a little worrysome there for a minute. I'll keep trucking along and see this thing through. Appreciate the words of advice! Bob
  • Regarding my earlier post, I just noticed that Costco started selling a new version of the same Muscle Milk light drink. The old version has about double the potassium than the new one. If you managed to get the 150 calorie version, it has more potassium than the new and improved muscle milk light 160 calorie version. 150…
  • If you don't mind Muscle Milk Light (150 calories per drink), it has quite a bit of potassium in it. I have a couple of those every day, it helps to curb the appetite quite nicely. I pick them up at Costco. Hope this helps. Bob