

  • The diet sodas still trigger the same "insulin response" as the full sugar ones. diet sodas is just as bad for you.
  • I too have a sluggish thyroid. Dr. suggests levothyroxin but I decline. (Don't want to be dependent on meds.) Kelp and seaweed help w/thyroid function. Selenium or 2-3 brazil nuts a day also help. Stay away from brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabaga, radishes, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, rapeseed, broccoli, sweet…
  • I'm in! :smile: My goal is to be at 199 pounds by December 24. :explode: Exercising more & eating less during the holidays will be a struggle. :grumble: But keeping myself UNDER 200 pound mark will be a motivator in itself. :bigsmile: SW: 225 GW: 199 (-26 lbs) CW: 225 Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I use my mfp to show what is true. This is what others see. My mfp pic is almost the worst pic of me. I thought about using an avatar instead of a picture but I really wanted to come clean and put myself out there. I do worry about privacy and that was another concern.