I like to roast mine in the oven with EVOO and minced garlic, salt and pepper, then saute mushrooms and mix togerher with a little parmesan cheese.
My calves are about 17 inches, but I have big feet too. has boots for larger calved women. I have always had big legs.
How do you get protien from fruits and veggies??-- most protien comes from animals -- meat, dairy and eggs. Apples and lettuce does not contain protien. Your body does it own cleanse that is the job of your kidneys and liver.
I have single servings measured out in baggies (for work) of dried cherries, Dark chocolat M & Ms, mixed nuts. I allow myself to have 12 of the M & Ms (43 calories) but I eat them slowly really savoring the flavor. Some times I mix the cherries and nuts and M & M and have just half of the bag. I use to crave chocolate and…
Make sure you okay any excersice and diet plan with your physician. Take it one day at a time -- walk as much as you can, then the next day add a few more steps, then keep adding steps each day. Even try to walk just a few short distances several times a day.
A pound is a pound correct but a pound of muscle is smaller than a pound of fat .